You need Chatr APN settings for your device to browse the internet with Chatr in Canada or any area. Without the apn setting, you can not send or receive MMS with your Chatr.
Setting up your device with the following Chatr apn settings.
Chatr apn settings for android:
Go to – Settings option <Then>(tab on)More <Then>(tab on) Mobile Network <Then>(tab on) Access point Names <Then>(tab on) + ( to add apn setting)
Chatr apn settings for iPhone/iPad:
You can click on Chatr iPhone/iPad APN configure the settings automatically uploaded to your device
If you configure the setting correctly, your problem will be solved. Now you can easily browse the internet and send MMS with your Chatr.
Setting up your device with the following Chatr apn settings.
Chatr APN settings:
- Name: Chatr Mobile
- APN: chatrweb.apn
- Proxy: Not Set
- Port: Not Set
- Username: Not Set
- Password: Not Set
- Server: Not Set
- MMSC Proxy:
- APN type: default,mms,supl
Chatr apn settings for android:
Go to – Settings option <Then>(tab on)More <Then>(tab on) Mobile Network <Then>(tab on) Access point Names <Then>(tab on) + ( to add apn setting)
- Name : ChatrHispeed
- APN : chatrweb.apn
- Proxy : <not required>
- Port : <not required>
- Username : <not required>
- Password : <not required>
- Server : <not required>
- MMSC :
- MMS Proxy :
- MMS Port : 8080
- MCC : 302
- MNC : 720 or keep default
- Authentication Type : <not required>
- APN type : default,supl,mms
- APN protocol: Ipv4
- Enable/disable APN: APN Enabled
- Bearer: Unspecified
- MVNO type : None
- MVNO Value : Notset
Chatr MMS setting:
You can click on Chatr iPhone/iPad APN configure the settings automatically uploaded to your device
If you configure the setting correctly, your problem will be solved. Now you can easily browse the internet and send MMS with your Chatr.