Configure Telstra APN Settings for your device. Telstra Australia APN Settings works on Android and iPhone. This setting is provided by
Cellular Data:
Enter the below details in MMS section:
Q: Why you need Telstra internet and MMS APN Settings for your device?
A: You need Telstra internet and MMS APN Settings for your device to browse the internet with Telstra in Australia. Without the apn setting, you can not send or receive MMS with your Telstra.
Telstra APN settings for Android
Telstra Internet APN settings for Android. In your Android mobile/Tab Go to Settings > More >Cellular/MObile Network > Access point Names > + ( to add). Then fill up the below information...- Name: Internet
- APN: telstra.iph
- Proxy:
- Port:
- Username:
- Password:
- Server:
- Multimedia message proxy:
- Multimedia message port: 80
- MCC: 505
- MNC: 01
- Authentication type: none
- APN type: default,supl,mms
- APN protocol: IPv4/IPv6
- APN roaming protocol: IPv4
- Bearer: Unspecified
Telstra APN Settings |
Read: How to Get Faster Internet on Android
Telstra APN Settings for iPhone
Telstra iPhone APN Settings. In your iPhone mobile go to Settings> Cellular> Cellular Data Network> APN and fillup the below information.Cellular Data:
- APN: telstra.iph
- Username:
- Password:
- LTE Setup(Optional):
- APN: (Leave Blank)
- Username: (Leave Blank)
- Password: (Leave Blank)
Enter the below details in MMS section:
- APN: telstra.iph
- Username:
- Password:
- MMS Proxy:
- MMS Max Message Size: 1048576
- MMS UA Prof URL:
Q: Why you need Telstra internet and MMS APN Settings for your device?
A: You need Telstra internet and MMS APN Settings for your device to browse the internet with Telstra in Australia. Without the apn setting, you can not send or receive MMS with your Telstra.