Configure Ooredoo Qatar APN Settings for your android and iPhone device. This guide is step by step and manual.
Ooredoo Qatar APN Settings for Android
In your Android mobile/Tab Go to Settings > More > Cellular/MObile Network > Access point Names > + ( to add)
Internet Settings:
- Name : Ooredoo Qa
- APN : data
- Proxy : Not Set
- Port : Not Set
- Username : Not Set
- Password : Not Set
- Server : Not Set
- MMSC : Not Set
- MMS Proxy : Not Set
- MMS Port : 8080
- MCC : 427
- MNC : 01
- Authentication Type : Not Set
- APN type : default
- APN protocol: Ipv4
- APN roaming protocol: Ipv4
- Enable/disable APN: APN Enabled
- Bearer: Unspecified
- MVNO type : None
- MVNO Value : Notset
Ooredoo Qatar MMS APN:
Name : Ooredoo MMS
APN : data
Proxy : Not Set
Port : Not Set
Username : Not Set
Password : Not Set
Server : Not Set
MMS Proxy :
MMS Port : 8080
MCC : 427
MNC : 01
Authentication Type : PAP
APN type : mms
APN protocol: Ipv4
APN roaming protocol: Ipv4
Enable/disable APN: APN Enabled
Bearer: Unspecified
MVNO type : None
MVNO Value : Notset
Ooredoo Qatar APN Settings for iPhone
In your iPhone mobile go to Settings> Cellular> Cellular Data Network> APN and fillup the below information.
Cellular Data:
- APN: data
- Username: Blank
- Password: Blank
- APN: data
- Username: blank
- Password: blank
- MMS Proxy:
- MMS Message Size: 1048576
- MMS UA Prof URL: blank
Recent apn update: Ooredoo Kuwait APN Settings for Android & iPhone
To get more information visit Ooredoo Qatar official website: